Confidentiality and Non-diclosure

I understand that confidentiality is extremely important to my clients. The paragraphs below try to make as concrete as possible my commitment to keeping all the information you provide to me completely confidential. That means I won't use your data or identity for any purpose other than to fulfil my role performing the analyses for you that we have agreed, and for fulfilling the legal obligations of my business. If you are a student, that also means I won't reveal to your supervisor/lecturer that we have spoken, unless we specifically agree otherwise.

More formally: any information you pass to me will not be communicated to anyone unless agreed otherwise in writing. Nor will it be used for any purpose other than those to which you have expressly agreed. Information, here, includes your identity, contact details, emails, insights, data, research ideas, results, formulae, designs, photographs, drawings and graphs, howsoever communicated to me.

Any insights drawn from your data will not be passed on (in any form) to anyone except to you, unless agreed in writing. All information that you pass to me remains at all times your property, and you may at any time ask that I destroy your information and revoke my right to use the information. It shall be destroyed within four weeks.

The one key exception to the above, is that your name, contact and billing details may be shared with my accountant and relevant tax/government authorities in the form of submitted invoices, only insofar as is required for me to satisfy my duties under the law of the country in which I reside (presently, Germany).

The above non-disclosure clauses also do not apply to information which at the time of disclosure was in the public domain, or which subsequently enters the public domain by lawful and proper publication, to information which I can reasonably prove to have already been in my possession prior to your submitting it to me, or to information which I am legally obliged to disclose.

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