Dr Phil Assheton

Consultancy and Tutoring

For Researchers and Students

One free session with absolutely no obligation

Picture of Phil

Statistical Analysis Help

Since 2012, I've helped over a thousand students and over a hundred academics with their statistical analyses, working at a UK university. I'm a one-man show, so you will always deal with me personally. I'm experienced, friendly and very reasonably priced.

For a general overview of what I can offer check out my homepage at

If you are an academic or professional, and need help with a research project. I have more details here. If you need help with your dissertation, click here for more info! If you need help with the maths/statistics for your college/university course, I've written a little spiel here. But you should find most of what you might need at my homepage --

If you're thinking "I need a statistician!!", if you're looking for statistics help for students, statistics help for researchers, a professional statistican for hire:

Dr Phil Assheton

Consultancy and Tutoring

For Researchers and Students

One free session with absolutely no obligation

Picture of Phil

Statistical Analysis Help

Since 2012, I've helped over a thousand students and over a hundred academics with their statistical analyses, working at a UK university. I'm a one-man show, so you will always deal with me personally. I'm experienced, friendly and very reasonably priced.

For a general overview of what I can offer check out my homepage at

If you are an academic or professional, and need help with a research project. I have more details here. If you need help with your dissertation, click here for more info! If you need help with the maths/statistics for your college/university course, I've written a little spiel here. But you should find most of what you might need at my homepage --

If you're thinking "I need a statistician!!", if you're looking for statistics help for students, statistics help for researchers, a professional statistican for hire:

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